The Connected Coast board has welcomed two new members to further strengthen and enhance its expertise as it oversees the multi-million-pound Towns Fund investment in Skegness and Mablethorpe.

Revd. Canon Chris Lilley, the Church of England’s Partnership Dean for East Lindsey, is one of the new board members. As Partnership Dean, Chris covers the 165 Anglican churches in the East Lindsey District Council, working alongside clergy and volunteers.

He was a member of the Church of England’s General Synod for twenty years and has held numerous roles in Lincoln Diocese, including Chair of the House of Clergy and vice chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance.

A former resident of Skegness, Chris is based in the Mablethorpe and Sutton on Sea Groups of Parishes.

I am delighted to be joining the board of Connected Coast to help with the
regeneration of our coastal communities. I am a yellow belly and have lived most of my adult life in Skegness and currently Sutton on Sea. I am passionate about our coast and the people who live and visit here.

Chris Lilley (Revd Canon)The Church of England’s Partnership Dean for East Lindsey

Joining Chris on the board is Tim Allen. Tim manages Historic England’s Development Advice team covering the north half of the Midlands. Trained as an archaeologist, he is the Inspector of Ancient Monuments for the county and a Fellow of Society of Antiquaries.

Tim’s team works closely with public, private and third-sector bodies on energy and coastal infrastructure, heritage-led regeneration, local planning, farming, and environmental management.

He works closely with partners around the coast via Towns Fund and Levelling Up and through directly funded research, such as the Lincolnshire County Council’s Inns on the Edge Project looking at the importance and viability of coastal pubs.

There is huge potential to build a prosperous and sustainable future with jobs and
facilities that make people choose to stay year-round. Whether that's staying for a break or long-term, earning a living and building a life by the sea, it's the quality of place and opportunities that are crucial to making the Lincolnshire Coast thrive.

Tim AllenInspector of Ancient Monuments for the county and a Fellow of Society of Antiquaries.

I am delighted to welcome both Chris and Tim who bring significant experience, knowledge, and expertise to the board.

Chris and Tim join us at an exciting time for Connected Coast as delivery gathers pace on the ground. This year we have seen the start on site at the Campus for Future Living and the Leisure and Learning Hub, and we are looking ahead to further transformational development and improvements in the coming months.

In addition, the role of the board has recently been extended with a number of other government funded projects now coming under Connected Coast’s governance. The new board appointments help to expand and enhance our knowledge base as we support these important initiatives too.

Together, the Connected Coast board is committed to maximising the significant potential of Skegness and Mablethorpe so that both towns can thrive, now and into the future.

Chris BaronChair of Connected Coast Town Deal Board