Multi-million-pound investment in Skegness and Mablethorpe is creating exciting new opportunities for both historic towns that will benefit people now and long into the future.

With Towns Fund investment and match funding totalling almost £86M, Skegness and Mablethorpe are seeing transformational improvements being delivered through a series of ambitious projects.

Over the last year, this has included:

  • Construction getting underway on the new Campus for Future Living, a development that will put Mablethorpe firmly at the forefront of medi-tech and care.
  • Building work advancing on the Station Leisure and Learning Centre in Mablethorpe, a space that will play a crucial role in supporting local people’s physical and mental well-being.
  • Improvements getting started at Skegness Interchange, with the work taking place set to give a better experience to everyone as they arrive at the station.
  • Plans developed to reinstate Skegness’ Tower Gardens to its former glory through a scheme of hard landscaping and planting.

An update on the progress of the Skegness and Mablethorpe Town Deal investment and projects was shared at two special exhibition events, which recently took place at Haven Holiday Park and Mablethorpe Library. Hosted by Connected Coast, the public events provided local people with the chance to find out more about the significant investment in their local communities, meet with the people behind the projects, and speak to Connected Coast board members.

Dedicated sessions were also held at both events just for young people, with students from Skegness TEC and Springwell Alternative Academy Mablethorpe and Louth Academy attending to find out more about the projects and share their thoughts.

The exhibition events saw the launch of two films which showcase the investment and projects for both towns: Connected Coast Skegness Town Deal Annual Report Film – YouTube and Connected Coast Mablethorpe Town Deal Annual Report Film – YouTube along with the Connected Coast annual reports for both Skegness and Mablethorpe: Document Library – Connected Coast.

As well as Towns Funding the area is also benefiting from further investment that will help to maximise the potential of both Skegness and Mablethorpe. In January, £8M government funding was awarded for East Lindsey, in addition to £6.14M in UK Shared Prosperity Funding for the district.

More recently, it was announced by the Government that Skegness would receive £20M in funding through the Long Term Plan for Towns, which is further to £5M in Cultural Development Funding that was awarded to the town in March.

Through the Towns Fund investment and match funding, Skegness and Mablethorpe are benefitting from almost £86M in investment – a significant figure that is even further enhanced by additional government funding that has been awarded to the area.

This investment represents an unprecedented and unique opportunity to create meaningful and sustainable improvements that will have a transformational impact within our communities.

As we showcased at our exhibition events and within our latest annual reports and films, we are seeing change starting to take place on the ground, as the ambitions for both towns begin to be realised with development beginning and gathering pace.

We can look forward to even more progress in the coming year, and with further work set to get underway, people will see the impact of the investment within Skegness and Mablethorpe which will support both towns to thrive now and into the future.

Chris BaronChair of Connected Coast

The past 12 months have seen great progress in the delivery of Town Deal projects in Skegness and Mablethorpe with projects well underway or now getting off the ground.

It is important that communities are part of the Town Deal journey and the recent exhibition events were a great opportunity to update residents on the schemes being delivered by East Lindsey District Council as well as our partners. The events provided an opportunity for people to ask questions discuss plans and find out more about the lasting impact each and every town deal project will have.

We can all look forward to further progress on these schemes in 2024 and celebrating what is being achieved collectively for our district.

Cllr Craig LeylandLeader of East Lindsey District Council

You can view the Connected Coast films for Skegness and Mablethorpe and presentations by the Chair Chris Baron, here:  Connected Coast – YouTube. You can read the annual reports for Skegness and Mablethorpe for 2023 here: Document Library – Connected Coast.