Alisons department store, one of Skegness’ best known shops, has been transformed after extensive work was carried out to refurbish the building.

Located on Lumley Road, one of the town’s main gateways, Alisons has undergone a sympathetic revamp that has seen its historic features restored. This includes bringing back into use previously blocked timber windows on the upper floor, and reintroducing traditional shopfronts on Lumley Road, Lumley Square, and High Street.

In addition, new signage and internal shutters have also been installed at the new-look store, enhancing the overall appearance of the building.

Further improvements are also planned for after the end of the season, including the fitting of new entrances, and the installation of traditional retractable canopies.

Alisons has benefitted from the improvements thanks to investment from Alisons Ltd. and a substantial grant though the Town Centre Transformation project which is being delivered by Heritage Lincolnshire and funded by the Towns Fund as part of the Connected Coast programme of work in Skegness.

The Town Centre Transformation project has helped us to make a bigger impression on the high street, reflecting the quality products and service we offer in store. Customers have commented on how the new appearance has lifted the building and added to their shopping experience.

Javed MohammadOwner of Alisons

It is absolutely fantastic to see the work that has taken place at Alisons, with the striking transformation significantly enhancing the appearance of the building.

In restoring its traditional and historic characteristics, the building has been given a new lease of life, and the refurbishment has added to the overall look and appeal of Lumley Road.

The Town Centre Transformation project is playing an important role in helping to restore buildings and public spaces in the heart of the town, which in turn will mean a better experience for everyone who comes into Skegness.

Chris BaronChair of Connected Coast

The Town Centre Transformation project offers grants to owners to invest in their buildings so that they can restore or improve them. The type of work supported by the scheme includes replacing signs, improving and repairing shop fronts, and making use of empty upper floors.

The Heritage Lincolnshire team is currently working with a number of building owners in Skegness, and funding is still available for interested parties.

The Town Deal investment in Alisons has made a transformational impact on the first perception many get of Skegness when they arrive by train. Bringing back the historic quality of Alisons makes a striking first impression

Alice UllathorneHead of Heritage at Heritage Lincolnshire

The Town Centre Transformation project is also bringing improvements to streets and public spaces in Skegness, making them more attractive and welcoming to locals and visitors. This includes at Tower Gardens which recently underwent a significant revamp in a project delivered by Heritage Lincolnshire and Skegness Town Council.
*Any building owners interested in finding out how they can get involved with the scheme can find out more here: The Skegness Town Centre Transformation • Heritage Lincolnshire

